Software and Design Agency




ModelUretim; is an application approaching to become product. Its development has been continuing for 5 months. Currently 80% finished.

The goal of the project; "3D Printer - CNC Machine - Laser CNC Machine - Plasma CNC Machine" is the platform that brings together machine owners and those who want to convert the technical drawing into product.

The application is web based. There are 2 types of users. Those who own the machine and who are drawing and looking for a printing machine. Users with technical drawings log in to the system and select any machine owner with the highest rating. The user uploads his technical drawings and sends them for approval. The machine owner also sees this technical drawing, pricing it and sends it back to the owner for approval to start production. After the technical drawing owner gives approval, the process starts and the technical drawing owner makes the payment to ModelUretime. When the product to be printed reaches the owner of the technical drawing, ModelUretim takes the profit and sends the payment to the machine owner.

ImportantNote: The technical drawings uploaded to the system have been forbidden from unauthorized use by the owner and the owner of the technical drawing. Written in user agreement. When each technical drawing file is uploaded to the system, ip and mac addresses are record. In addition, when the owner of the machine to whom the technical drawing is sent opens the file, all information belonging to it is recorded. In case of conflict, this information can be shared with the owner of the technical drawing.

The system is simple in this way. The starting point of the project, we do the team of 3D printer machines. We produced our own 3D printer. Due to the demands in the environment, the idea of implementation has emerged.
